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Writer's pictureE. ZeNai Brooks

Blog 32: Keep It Moving

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

Listen to the audio version here!

The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Luke 10:2 NLT

Transparent moment: I was going to postpone my blog until I get elected. I talked to my husband about it, explaining that I had writers block. I also shared with him that I didn't want people to think that I'm using my blog for politics. And since I normally write about how I feel or current events in my life, it's difficult to separate. He explained that as a preacher, speaker, writer, leader…sometimes current events do dictate direction. And more importantly, whatever is happening in my life can still be used to encourage others… So, here we are…a little later than I normally release but nonetheless we keep going… (My writers block has been lifted…)

Turns out, what I wanted to share in the first place is actually in line with what I typically talk about. How to move forward…use your voice and be encouraged!

We are currently having church at a Riverside Herron High School in Indianapolis. It's inside the old Naval Armory and sits on the White River. There is construction happening literally on every side of the school, the river side and both streets. There is even some work done inside the river bank (idk what but something is happening). What I also noticed is that, despite all this construction and disruption and destruction and building, the river is still flowing! The water is still moving…and its moving in the direction its supposed to go!! 😲

I hope that just blessed you like it blessed me!

There are plenty times in my life where I have been thrown off track, I'm sure others can relate:

  1. We get distracted by the destruction around us

  2. We get thrown off by the obstacles we face

  3. We get complacent, resting on our previous accomplishments

Regardless what is happening around you, you can and should keep moving in the direction that God has you headed! Don't worry about yesterday (good or bad), focus on what's important to complete your assignment.

Even if you feel like you do not have enough resources…

Even if you are not sure exactly where you are headed..

Even if you feel like people aren't listening…

You can keep moving, You can keep flowing (like the river).

This is exactly what God is sharing in the key scripture. He fully acknowledges that there is a lot of work to be done and not enough people to do it. He is literally sending the disciples out to all parts of the world, to share a message about the Living God. He also fully acknowledges that there will people that do not believe. But what does he say: Pray for help (vs 2), you do not need a lot of resources (v4) and if people do not believe, move on but do not let them rub off on you (v11). Listen, please read this whole chapter…verse by verse. You will grab something I'm sure. But what I need you to know today is that just as Jesus gave specific instructions to the disciples, He does the same for us. We can use this same direction as we walk in purpose today!

See, agreeing to run for state office like I'm doing now was intimidating and daunting. I had feelings of not having enough people to help. Not having enough money. Not having enough support. This is no different than leading a church, leading a business, really doing anything.

So again, "The harvest is plenty, the workers are few" i.e. There is a lot of work to do and not enough people to do it.

This may seem like the understatement of the year, but I want to encourage you that you are not alone. The same God who assigns you the work, will prepare you for the work and will send you help!

The question is, do you believe?

Live outside the box. Live in purpose. Live on purpose.

Peace. Blessings. Love.

Lady Z

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Awesome!!! Moving Forward Trusting GOD!!!

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