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Decisions. Decisions.

Joshua 24:15 – …choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…

Isn’t it interesting how easy it is for us to make excuses for things we do not want to do? If I don’t feel like going to the gym one day, I will convince myself that I have gotten enough workout days in for the week or that I can make it up tomorrow. If I do not feel like cooking one day, I will convince myself that we have plenty money left in the budget to order take out or to go out for sushi. If we really want to get out of something, there are a million excuses we can think of right?

Unfortunately, we use that same logic when it comes to God. If we do not feel like studying, we convince ourselves that we don’t have time in the day. We cannot get up early because we are not morning people. We cannot study at night because we have kids and meetings and fall asleep. If we don’t feel like going to church, we convince ourselves that we must get rest for the week or do laundry or go to the grocery or… whatever else we didn’t get to on Saturday. We convince ourselves things must be done on Sunday so we can be ready for Monday. We just cannot afford to spend 2 hours at church on Sunday. We have too many other things we need to do…right?

I am so sorry (#notsorry) to break this news to the masses but that logic is all wrong. Not attending church is the wrong decision (Heb 10:25). Not studying the bible on your own is the wrong decision (II Tim 2:15). Not serving God with your entire life is the wrong decision (Deut 6:5). We have to get to the point where our faith and relationship with God is strong enough to encourage us to make the right decisions with our time.

Many of us have convinced ourselves that, among other things, we can love God and not follow what the Bible says. We have convinced ourselves that parts of the Bible are exaggerated or outdated. That logic, again, is wrong. The Bible gives us instructions for our lives. It doesn’t change. Actually, we are the ones that change, depending on what society says, how we feel, and even what Satan tells us (whether we are aware of it or not). When we do not choose God, though, we make other things or people our gods. We make our kids our god. We make time and money our god. We make our house and cars and jobs our god. Whatever excuse we use to not do what the Bible tells us, becomes our God.

I know what you are thinking. Since I am a Pastor’s Wife, I have to attend church and bible study and study on my own. Nope, I don’t have to do anything. Matter of fact, there are some wives that don’t. Also, there are plenty of times when I just don’t feel like it. But, I have grown and accepted my calling…I can admit that I haven’t always been on the ball but I did not start and I do not only do so because I married a Pastor. As a kid, I did regularly attend church, eventually joining the usher board and participating in other activities. When I went to college though, not as much. Ha! I was in a relationship early on where we went consistently, after that, it was downhill. I did not regularly attend church for at least 4 years and I can probably count on two hands how many times I opened the bible on my own. (Because that’s usually what happens, without the church, we do not study for ourselves.) Guess what though, when I got back home from college, I jumped right back into the church, Bible Study, Sunday School, Usher Board and even became a Trustee. Mostly because of my Pastor at the time, Rev. L. A. Manuel, asked me to help with the church finances. I took that role seriously and didn’t want to let him down. From his accountability, teaching, and expectations, I developed my own relationship and accountability to grow closer to God. It was 5 years after that when Rev. Manuel hooked me up with my now husband, who later became a Pastor.

What’s my points here, we all have a decision to make? At some point when we know better, we should do better. Our relationship with God should be reflected in every aspect of our lives. Our church attendance and personal study habits are a direct reflection of that relationship. What I have learned over the years is that, no matter how busy I am, if I keep God first, He makes room and give me energy for everything else. In my key verse at the top, we are urged to make the decision, who we will serve. There is no gray. It’s black or white. God or not God. All or nothing. It is not easy, trust me. I am willing to argue that my husband and I are 2 of the busiest people you will meet. However, I promise if you put God first, before everything else, it will be worth it. (This is where faith kicks in!) Let God bless your life!

Again…Let’s be better! Be encouraged! Choose ye this day, who you will serve! And go to church on Sunday!

(If you have questions about how to balance and prioritize your life, do not hesitate to reach out! Send me a message via the contact us page)

Peace. Blessing. Love.

Lady Z

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